1. World Congress of Gerontology. Jerusalem, 1975. Aging and Perception of Exercise.
2. Wenner-Gren Conference on Physical Work and Effort. Stockholm, 1975. Age-related Changes in Exercise Perception.
3. New Perspectives in Human Endeavour. Vancouver,1977. Keynote Lecture – Activity, Growth and Child Health.
4. 10th Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Sports Sciences. Winnipeg, 1977. Opening Lecture – Effect of Sports Training on Health and Physiological Development of Children.
5. 8th International Congress of Physical Therapy. Tel Aviv, 1978. Closing Lecture – Physiological and Psychological Effects on Paraplegics of Sports Rehabilitation Programme – A Longitudinal Approach. (with E. Geron).
6. 21st World Congress of Sports Medicine. Brasilia, 1978. Keynote Lecture – The Wingate Anaerobic Test – An Overview.
7. International Symposium of Physical Education Sciences. Rio de Janeiro, 1978. Growth and Development in Prediction of Sports Performance.
8. International Symposium of Physical Education Sciences. Rio de Janeiro, 1978. Testing for Anaerobic Characteristics.
9. 11th Annual Meeting – Canadian Association of Sports Sciences. Lac Ste. Marie, 1979. Climate and the Exercising Child.
10. Symposium on Adolescent Sports Medicine. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1979. Physiologic Characteristics of the Young Athlete.
11. Symposium on Adolescent Sports Medicine. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1979. Prediction of Athletic Success.
12. International Symposium on Sports Biology. Vierumaki, Finland, 1979. Climate and the Exercising Child – A Review.
13. Fifth Annual Meeting – American College of Sports Medicine – Northland Chapter. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1980. The Use of Exercise in Pediatric Diagnosis.
14. Fifth Annual Meeting – American College of Sports Medicine – Northland Chapter. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1980. Physiology of the Exercising Child, with Special Implications to the Coach.
15. Fifth Puijo Symposium. Kuopio, Finland, 1980. Physical Training in Health Promotion and Medical Care. Clinical Implications of Pediatric Exercise Physiology.
16. Magglinger Symposium – Kinder im Leistungssport. Magglingen, Switzerland, 1980. Basic Physiological Principles in Children’s Sports Activity.
17. Seminar on Children’s Sports. Turku, Finland, 1981. Pediatric Sports Medicine – What Is It?
18. Xth Pediatric Work Physiology Symposium. Joutsa, Finland, 1981. The Growth and Development of Children’s Response to Exercise.
19. International Symposium on Habilitation and Rehabilitation of Asthmatic Children. Oslo, Norway, 1982. Climatic Conditions and their Effect on Exercise-Induced Asthma.
20. Disability and Quality of Life. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Regional Meeting, Toronto, 1982. Fitness for the Disabled Child and Adolescent.
21. XXIInd World Congress on Sports Medicine. Vienna, Austria, 1982. Exercise and the Hypertensive Child & Adolescent – A Review.
22. Vth Annual Congress of the Brasilian College of Sports Sciences. Salvador, Brasil, 1982. Physiologic Characteristics of the Exercising Child.
23. Ontario Exercise Physiology Symposium. Collingwood, Ontario, 1983. Respiratory Responses of Man to Cold Environment.
24. XIth Pediatric Work Physiology Symposium. Papendal, Holland, 1983. Position Statement: Children, Exercise and Training – Scope and Limits.
25. Merck Conference on Management Directions in Pediatric Rehabilitation. Hamilton, Ontario, 1983. Hypoactivity and Increased Activity in Clinical Management of the Disabled Child.
26. Annual Meeting of the New England Chapter – American College of Sports Medicine. Boxborough, Massachusetts, 1983. Keynote Lecture – Physiology of the Child Athlete.
27. XIth Annual Conference: Pediatric Rehabilitation Today and Tomorrow. Toronto, 1984. Physical Activity and Nutrition in Pediatric Musculo-Skeletal Disorders.
28. Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine. San Diego, 1984. Specific Pathophysiologic Factors which Limit Performance in Pediatric Diseases – A Symposium Paper.
29. Olympic Scientific Congress. Eugene, Oregon, 1984. Symposium Paper in the Plenary Session. Physiology of the Exercising Child.
30. Olympic Scientific Congress. Eugene, Oregon, 1984. Symposium of the International Council for the Physical Fitness Research. Keynote Lecture – Youth Participation in Sport: Health Implications of Physiologic Phenomena.
31. International Congress on Child & Sports. Urbino, Italy, 1984. Pediatric Exercise Physiology in a Clinical Context.
32. Youth Sports Symposium. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1984. Aerobic and Anaerobic Performances of Children.
33. Nutrition and Exercise Symposium. New York, N.Y., 1984. Special Considerations of Exercise in Children and Adolescents.
34. 4th European Congress of Sports Medicine. Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1985. The Use of Exercise in Pediatric Diagnosis.
35. Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Symposium: Issues and Challenges. Toronto, 1985. Nutrition and Exercise in the Child with Spina Bifida.
36. Annual Meeting American College of Sports Medicine. Nashville, Tennessee, 1985. Adolescents with Limited Exercise Capacity – A Symposium Paper.
37. Pediatric Sports Medicine Symposium. Bay State Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., 1985. a) Exercise Physiology and Training in Children. b) Exercise and the Child with Chronic Disease.
38. Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium: Perception of Exertion in Physical Work. Stockholm, 1985. Exercise Perception in Children with Neuromuscular Disease.
39. 4th International Symposium on Exercise and Nutrition. Cumberland College, Australia, 1985. (Four invited lectures).
40. Symposium on Future Directions in Exercise/Sport Research. Phoenix, Arizona, 1986. Future Directions in Exercise Physiology: Children.
41. Annual Meeting of the California Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Palm Springs, California, 1986. Assessment of Fitness and Performance in Disabled Children.
42. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. New Orleans, 1986. Pediatric Exercise Physiology in a Clinical Context.
43. Mayo Clinic Annual Amberg-Helmholz Lecture. Rochester, Minnesota, 1986. Mad Dogs, Englishmen and Young Athletes.
44. 23rd World Congress of Sports Medicine. Brisbane, Australia, 1986. a) Keynote Lecture – Challenges For the Future in Pediatric Exercise Research. b) Rating of Perceived Exertion. Are Children Different from Adults? c) Prediction of Athletic Success.
45. International Council for Physical Fitness Research Symposium: Physical Fitness and the Ages of Man. Jerusalem, 1986. Directions in Pediatric Fitness Research – Past and Future.
46. International Seminar of Sport Medicine and Applied Sciences. Medellin, Colombia, a) Procedures for Exercise Testing in Children. b) The child as a High Performance Athlete.
47. VIIIth Brasilian Congress of Sports Medicine. Rio de Janeiro, 1987. a) Therapeutic Aspects and the Exercising Child. b) Critical Analysis of the Wingate Anaerobic Test.
48. Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Pediatric Exercise Medicine. Aspen Colorado, 1987. Development of Muscle Power and Muscle Endurance in Children and Adolescents.
49. XIIIth Meeting of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology. Hurdalsjoen, Norway, 1987. Keynote Lecture: Rating of Perceived Exertion. Are Children Different from Adults?
50. XXth Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Sports Sciences. Lake Louise, Alberta, 1987. Exercise Perception in Children and Adolescents.
51. Medicine 8 Congress. Helsinki, 1988. Development of Physical Capacity in Children and Pediatric Exercise Testing.
52. XIV World Congress of the Israel Medical Association. Jerusalem, Israel, 1988. Exercise Testing in Children in Health & Disease.
53. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Dallas, 1988. Future Directions for Physiological Research (within a symposium: Physiological Assessment of Children).
54. International Conference on Exercise, Fitness & Health. Toronto, 1988. Exercise, Fitness, Growth and Later Outcomes (Invited discussant).
55. Symposium on Exercise Sciences & Sports Medicine. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1988. Physiological Responses to Exercise. The Child and the Adult.
56. Conference on Youth, Exercise & Sport. Bermuda, 1988. Temperature Regulation During Exercise in Young Athletes.
57. Congress on Hormones & Sports. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1988. Exercise in the Child with Chronic Disease.
58. XIIIth Meeting of the International Council of Physical Fitness Research. Osaka, Japan, 1988. Factors that Limit the Maximal Aerobic Power of Children with a Chronic Disease. Special Lecture.
59. Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society. Montreal, 1988. Thermoregulatory Adaptation to Regular Exercise. (within a symposium: Regular Exercise, Growth and Development.)
60. Limburg Congress for Sportmedicine. Limburg, Belgium, 1988. Pediatric Sports Medicine: Current Issues and Future Directions. Keynote Lecture.
61. XIIth Panamerican Congress of Physical Education. Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1989. The Role of Physical Education and Sports in Children’s Health.
62. XIIth Panamerican Congress of Physical Education. Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1989. The Role of the Physical Educator in Helping the Child with a Chronic Disease.
63. Paavo Nurmi Congress. Turku, Finland, 1989. The Role of Pediatric Exercise Physiology in Sports Medicine.
64. XVth Meeting of the European Group of Pediatric Exercise Physiology. Seneglyes, Hungary, 1989. The Use of RPE in Prescription of Exercise to Children.
65. 37th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Salt Lake City, 1990. Pediatrics & Sport Medicine. (Tutorial Lecture).
66. World Congress on Sport For All. Tampere, Finland, 1990. Children, Activity and Fitness.
67. Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Pediatric Exercise Medicine. Cincinnati, 1990. Childhood Obesity: Exercise & Nutritional Aspects of Treatment.
68. Sport Medicine 1991. Toronto, 1991. John Sutton Lectureship: Pediatric Exercise Medicine – Why? Is the Child Merely a Small Adult?
69. Fifth Annual Conference on Exercise Sciences and Sports Medicine. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1991. Exercise and the Obese Child.
70. Fifth Annual Conference on Exercise Sciences and Sports Medicine. Puerto Rico, 1991. What is Unique About Children’s Responses to Exercise: An Overview.
71. International Congress on Sports Medicine and Human Performance. Vancouver, 1991. Principles of Exercise Prescription for Children.
72. International Congress of Sports Medicine. Brussels, 1991. Pediatric Exercise Medicine – A Separate Entity?
73. World Congress of Aquatic Medicine. Rio de Janeiro, 1991. Asthma and Swimming – Keynote Lecture.
74. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Workshop on Physical Activity & Cardiovascular Health. Bethesda, 1991. Cardiovascular Benefits and Assessment of Physical Activity/Fitness in Youth.
75. Harvard Conference on Nutrition and Fitness in Children and Youth. Boston, 1991. Activity, Fitness & Health in Children & Adolescents.
76. International Forum on Nutrition and Health in the Stage of Growth. Tokyo, 1991. Exercise Within a Comprehensive Management of Juvenile Obesity.
77. Texas Regional Chapter of ACSM. Austin, 1992. Enhanced energy expenditure within the management of childhood obesity.
78. Texas Regional Chapter of ACSM. Austin, 1992. Temperature regulation in children.
79. Exercise & Health Symposium. Halifax, 1992. Beneficial and detrimental effects of exercise on children.
80. Illinois Governor’s Council on Health and Physical Fitness. Chicago, 1992. Preschool health through motor development.
81. Seminari Monotematici Internazionali 1992 di Biologia e Tecnica dello Sport. Rome, 1992. Keynote Lecture: Obese children and physical activity: indications and limits.
82. Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Pediatric Exercise Medicine. Miami, 1992. Keynote Lecture: Fluid replacement for children: ideal vs. real.
83. Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress. Malaga, Spain, 1992. Therapeutic aspects of sports participation in children.
84. Symposium of the International Council for Physical Fitness Research. Leuven, Belgium 1992. Development of anaerobic and aerobic muscle power in children and adolescents.
85. 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Sports Sciences. Saskatoon, 1992. Exercise and the obese child.
86. International Conference on Physical Activity, Fitness and Health. Toronto, 1992. Youth Sports: beneficial, detrimental and potentially detrimental effects of health.
87. International Consensus Symposium on Physical Activity, Fitness and Health. Toronto, 1992. Childhood and adolescence physical activity and fitness, and adult risk profile.
88. Simposio Internacional de Actualizacion en Ciencias Aplicados al Deporte y Entrenamiento. Rosario, Argentina 1992. Keynote Lecture: Relevance of exercise to pediatric rehabilitation.
89. Harvard Conference on Nutrition and Fitness in Children and Youth. Boston, 1991. Responses of children to hot and cold climates.
90. 39th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Seattle, 1993. Peripheral mechanisms in the growth of maximal O2 uptake.
91. V Congress Femede. Pamploma, Spain 1993. Keynote Lecture: Negative, non-orthopedic effects of exercise on child’s health.
92. V Congresso Femede. Pamploma, Spain 1993. What is unique about the physiologic responses of children to exercise?
93. Pediatric Cardiology Grand Rounds, University of Michigan. Ann-Arbor, 1993. How unique are children’s responses to exercise? Physiological and clinical aspects.
94. International Consensus Conference on Physical Activity. Guidelines for Adolescents. San Diego, 1993. Obesity.
95. Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1993. Pediatric exercise physiology in health and disease.
96. 2nd Maccabiah-Wingate International Congress on Sport Sciences. Wingate, Israel 1993. Keynote Lecture: Exercise prescription for children at risk.
97. Consensus Symposium on Foods, Nutrition and Soccer Performance. Zurich, Switzerland 1994. Special nutritional needs for young soccer players.
98. 40th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Indianapolis, 1994. Assessment and promotion of physical activity in children with neuromuscular disease.
99. 40th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Indianapolis, 1994. Role of exercise in the diagnosis and management of neuromuscular disease in children and youth.
100. 9th Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine. Pittsburgh, 1994. Non-standard exercise tests for assessing the very limited patient.
101. XIX International Symposium on Sports Sciences. Brazil, 1994. Growth and physiologic responses to exercise. Exercise and nutrition for children.
102. International Scientific Consensus Conference. Monaco, 1995. Current issues in nutrition for athletes.
103. XXXVIIth Pediatric National Congress. Guatemala, 1995. Exercise, nutrition and development in children and adolescents.
104. Sports Nutrition Conference. Argentina, 1995. Beneficial effects of exercise for the child with a chronic pathology.
105. 41st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Minneapolis, 1995. President’s Lecture: Are there unique responses of children to exercise?
106. ICPAFR, Itala, South Africa, 1995. Keynote Lecture: Fluid and electrolyte replenishment for children who exercise in the heat.
Pediatric Work Physiology Symposium. Faaborg, Denmark, 1995. Joseph Rutenfranz lecture: Safe exercise for the child with a chronic disease.
108. Dehydration, Rehydration and Exercise in the Heat. Nottingham, England 1995. Effects of age and gender on thermoregulatory and sweating responses to exercise.
109. Georgia Nutrition Council Conference. Atlanta, Georgia 1996. Keynote Lecture: Child Athletes: Impact on Adult Health.
110. The Twelfth International Jerusalem Symposium on Sports Injuries. Tel Aviv, Israel 1996. Keynote Lecture: Child’s Unique Response to Exercise
111. 8th Asia Pacific League Against Rheumatism Congress. Melbourne, Australia 1996. Keynote Lecture: Are Child Athlete’s Special? Physiological Considerations
112. American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable. Indianapolis, 1996. Physical Activity, Genetic and Nutritional Considerations in Childhood Weight Management
113. International Committee for Physical Fitness Research Annual Meeting, Italy, 1996 The Relevance of Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents with a Physical Disability.
114. Polish Congress of Sports Medicine, Krakow, 1996. Temperature Regulation, Dehydration and Rehydration in the Exercising Child.
115. Medicina Deportiva. Medellin, Colombia, 1996. Temperature Regulation in Children During Exercise in Hot and Cold Climates. Exercise in the Young Athlete with a Chronic Disease.
116. Danish Association of Sports Medicine, Copenhagen, 1996. Keynote Lecture: Unique Responses to training in children and training recommendations.
117. International Sports Medicine Congress – FIMS-WHO Concensus Symposium on Sports and Children – Hong Kong, 1997. Keynote Lecture: Young Athletes with Chronic Disease
118. Society for Pediatric Research, Washington, 1997 New Therapeutic Roles for Exercise in Children with Disease and Disabilities
119. National Sports Medicine Conference, Australia, 1997. Keynote Lecture: What makes the child athlete special? A physiological perspective. Relevance of physical activity to the child with a chronic disease.
120. 35th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, Aomori, Japan, 1998. Keynote Lecture: The Use of Exercise in Assessing Children With Cerebral Palsy.
121. XXVI FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida 1998. Keynote Lecture: The Pediatric Angle: Dehydration and Rehydration in the Exercising Child.
122. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida 1998. Perceived Exertion: Exertional Perceptions in Normal and Clinically Involved Pediatric Sub-sets: Assessment and Interpretation.
123. International Conference: Hydration Throughout Life, Vittel, France 1998. Fluid Balance and Physiologic and Behavioural Control of Fluid Intake in Physically Active Children.
124. VI Chilean Congress of Exercise Sciences, Chile 1998. Response of Children to Exercise in Hot and Cold Climates, Special Physiologic Characteristics of the Child Athlete, Can Exercise Help the Child with a Chronic Disease? 125.ICHPER Congress, Educador 1998. Keynote Lecture: Physical Activity During Childhood: An Investment for Adult Years. The Child Athlete: Physiological Insights
126. European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity, Israel, 1998. Keynote Lecture: Physiological Responses to Exercise During the Life Cycle: Comparing Children with the Elderly
127. 21st International Symposium on Sports Science – Sao Paulo, Brazil 1998. Oral Rehydration of Children Who Exercise in a Hot Climate.
128. Annual MEDEC Conference – Paris, France 1999. Fluid Balance and Physiologic and Behavioural Control of Fluid Intake in Physically Active Children.
129. 2nd International Congress on Medicine and Science in Figure Skating – Helsinki, Finland, 1999. Keynote Lecture: Training and the Young Skater: Physiologi Aspects Nutritional Issues for Young Figure Skaters
130. XIIIth FINA World Sports Medicine Congress – Hong Kong, 1999. Keynote Lecture: Young Swimmers: Physiologic Considerations
131. Annual MEDEC Conference – France, 1999. Hydration: The specific case of children during physical exercise.
132. European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology – Italy, 1999. Astrand Lecture: New and old in pediatric exercise physiology.
133. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology – Toronto, 1999 Symposium Organizer: Activity, Nutrition and Health: The Pediatric Angle Lecture: Physical activity and children: current trends and recommendations.
134. IVth Congress of Brasilian Nutrition Society. Sao Paulo 1999. Keynote Lecture: Physical activity in the etiology and treatment of juvenile obesity.
135. IVth International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness – Greece 2000. Lecture: Exercise and Nutrition in Childhood and Adolescence
136. International Sports Conference on Physical Fitness and Activity in the Context of Leisure Education – Hong Kong 2000 Keynote Lecture: Regimented vs. Recreational Physical Activities in Pediatric Exercise Medicine.
137. 47th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine – Indianapolis 2000 Premature children – born too early to win?
138. American Physical Therapy Association Meeting – New Orleans, 2000 Lecture: Endurance Training in Persons with Neurologic Pathology with an Emphasis on Stroke and Cerebral Palsy
139. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Exercise Physiology – Osaka, 2000 Lecture: Growth and Development of Physiological Responses to Exercise
140. III Congress of Brasilian Sports Medicine – Porto Alegre – 2000 Lectures: Special Consideration for Exercise Testing in Children Sports Activities by Children Suffering From Chronic Diseases
141. Annual Meeting of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine – Colorado, 2000 Lecture: Exercise Response of Children with a Neuromuscular Disease
142. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physiotherapy Association – New Orleans, 2000 Lecture: Endurance training in persons with neurologic pathology with an emphasis on cerebral palsy
143. Symposium on Talent Identification in Sport – Potsdam, 2000 Keynote Lecture: What is special about physiologic responses of child athletes to exercise?
144. German Pediatric Society – Stuttgart, 2000 Lecture: Fluid and electrolyte replenishment during exercise in cystic fibrosis.
145. First International Scientific Congress on Nutrition and Athletic Performance – Edmonton 2001. Lecture: Nutrition and the Child Athlete
146. Obesity – Nutritional and Lifestyle Strategies – Guelph 2001 Lecture: Childhood Obesity
147. Pediatric Rheumatology European Society – Utrecht, The Netherlands 2001 Keynote Lecture: Relevance of physical activity to the child with a musculo-skeletal disease
148. Dietitians of Canada Annual Conference – Winnipeg 2001 Lecture: Nutritional concerns for the young athlete
149. 5th International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology – Nice, France 2002 Lecture: Detrimental effects of exercise in the child with a chronic disease
150. 8th International Conference of the Pan American Health Organization – Jamaica 2002 Lecture: The effects of sedentarism and physical activity on children’s health
151. University of Hong Kong Distinguished Lecture – Hong Kong 2002 Keynote Lecture: A tidal wave of juvenile obesity: Is physical activity relevant?
152. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine – St. Louis 2002 Lecture: Have pediatric exercise sciences reached puberty?
153. 9th World Congress on Clinical Nutrition – London, England 2002 Keynote Lecture: Nutrition and exercise in children and adolescents
154. 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – Athens, Greece 2002 Lecture: Nutrition and exercise in children and adolescents
155. International Association of Athletics Federation – Madrid 2002 Lecture: Unique Physiological Characteristics of Young Athletes
156. North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine Annual Meeting – Michigan 2002 Lecture: Exercise and the Child with A Neuromuscular or Musculosketal Disability
157. Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, American Dietetic Association – Philadelphia 2002. Lecture: Think Outside the Lunchbox: A Game Plan for Young Athletes
158. XXV International Symposium of Sports Sciences – Sao Paulo 2002 Lecture: Trends in Children’s Physical Activity
159. Integrating Nutrition into Family and Pediatric Practice – Vancouver 2002 Lecture: Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents – Why, How Much, When
159. State University of New York – Pediatric Grand Rounds – Syracuse 2002 Lecture: Detrimental Effects of Physical Exercise in the Child With A Chronic Disease
160. The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Family Medicine Forum – Montreal 2002 Lecture: Managing Juvenile Obesity with Enhanced Physical Activity
161. The Ontario College of Family Physicians 40th Annual Scientific Assembly – Toronto 2002 Lecture: Obesity in Children
162. Congress of the Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Sportmedizin – Amrun, Germany 2003 Lecture: Sport as Therapy?
163. EFSMA Congres Hasselt 2003 – Hasselt, Belgium Keynote Lecture: The Juvenile Obesity Epidemic: Is Hypoactivity a Cause and is Enhanced Activity a Solution?
164. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine – San Francisco 2003 Symposium: From the cradle to the cane. Should we be exploring similar research paradigms in the child and the older individual?
165. 80th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Pediatric Society – Calgary 2003 Lecture: Juvenile Obesity Epidemic
166. 22nd Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting – Porto, 2003 Lecture: Clinical/Medical aspects in pediatric and exercise sciences
167. Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Workshop – Toronto, 2003 Lecture: Obesity and Well-being in Pediatric Cancer Survivors
168. Israel Sports Medicine Meeting – Tel Aviv, 2003 Lectures: Anaerobic performance of children in health and disease; Type 1 diabetes mellitus and exercise
169. 4th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pediatric Sports Medicine – Wuerzburg, Germany 2004 Lecture: Dehydration and Rehydration During Exercise in Children
170. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting – Indianapolis 2004 Keynote Lecture: New DRI (dietary reference intakes): Implications for Active People Lecture: Fluid and Nutritional Concern for the Child Athlete Participating in Age-Group Sports
171. Colombian Medical Association of Sports Medicine – Medellin 2004 Lecture: Exercise Prescription in Pediatric Chronic Disease
172. Gatorade Sports Science Institute Scientific Conference – Santa Cruz, CA 2004 Lecture: Heat Illness and Hydration in Active Children
173. Gatorade Sports Science Institute Scientific Conference – Santa Cruz, CA 2004 Lecture: Heat Illness and Hydration in Active Children
174. ILSI North America Project Committee on Hydration – Charleston, North Carolina 2005 Lecture: Fluid Needs of Sedentary and Active Young People: Age and Body Size Considerations
175. IX Gatorade Internation Congress on Sports Science – Mexico City, Mexico 2005 Lectures: Metabolic Response During Exercise in Children and Adolescent Medical Exercise Prescription in Children with Chronic Disease
176. 19th Annual Conference on Exercise Sciences and Sports Medicine – Puerto Rico 2005 Lecture: Obesity and Associated Medical Problems; The Roles of Inactivity, Diet and Exercise
177. 19th Kellogg Nutrition Symposium – Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2005 Lecture: The Health of School-Aged Children
178. European Society for Pediatric Exercise Science – 23rd Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting – Switzerland 2005 Lecture: Energy Cost of Locomotion in Health and Disease