
1. Bar‑Or, O., J.S. Skinner, V. Bergsteinova, W. Bell, D. Royer, and E.R. Buskirk.  Performance characteristics of retarded children.  Proceed. Annual Meeting ACSM, 1970.

2. Dukes‑Dobos, F.M., E.R. Buskirk, O. Bar‑Or, and A. Henschel.  Effects of dehydration on tolerance to exercise in heat as influenced by acclimatization, obesity and sex.  The Physiologist 13:184, 1970.

3. Zwiren, L.D., G. Huberman, and O. Bar‑Or.  Cardiopulmonary functions of sedentary and highly active paraplegics.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 8:1014‑1015, 1972.

4. Bar‑Or, O.  Maximal oxygen consumption during arm pedalling and running in men before and following conditioning.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 10:1974.

5. Bar‑Or, O., D. Harris, V. Bergstein, and E.R. Buskirk.  Progressive dehydration in lean and obese men and women.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 10:290, 1974.

6.  Inbar, O., A. Ayalon, and O. Bar‑Or.  The effects of prior exercise on aerobic and anaerobic capacity in 7 to 9 year old boys.  Med. Sci. Sports 6:68‑69, 1974.

7. Inbar, O., A. Ayalon, and O. Bar‑Or.  Relationship between tests of anaerobic capacity and power.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 10:290, 1974.

8. Kanitz, M. and O. Bar‑Or.  The relationships between anthropometric, developmental and physiological parameters and achievement in swimming, in 10 to 12 year old boys. Israel J. Med. Sci. 10:289, 1974.

9.  Inbar, O., G. Weingarten, and O. Bar‑Or.  Role of physical activity in the rehabilitation of acutely upset combat  soldiers.  Proc. Int. Conf. Psych. Stress &           Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, 1975, p. 64.

10. Inbar, O., R. Dotan, and O. Bar‑Or.  Aerobic and anaerobic components of a   thirty‑second supramaximal cycling task.  Med. Sci. Sports 8:S51, 1976.

11. Bar‑Or, O., R. Dotan, and O. Inbar.  A 30‑second all‑out ergometric test ‑ its reliability and validity for anaerobic capacity.  Isr. J. Med. Sci. 13:126, 1977.

12. Bar‑Or, O., I. Neuman, and R. Dotan.  Effects of dry and humid climates on exercise‑induced bronchospasm in children and preadolescents.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 13:1140, 1977.

13. Dotan, R., O. Inbar, and O. Bar‑Or.  Effects of environmental temperature and humidity on the Wingate Anaerobic Test.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 13:1141, 1977.

14. Inbar, O. and O. Bar‑Or.  Anaerobic capacity and running performance of children.  Israel J. Med. Sci. 13:1141, 1977.

15. Blimkie, C., B. Ebbesen, D. MacDougall, O. Bar‑Or, and D. Sale.  Voluntary and electrically evoked strength characteristics of lean and obese boys.  Canad. J. Appl. Sports Sci. 11:4P, 1986.

16. Ward, D.S., C.J.R. Blimkie, and O. Bar‑Or.  Rating of perceived exertion in obese adolescents.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 18:S72, 1986.

17. Bar‑Or, O., C.J.R. Blimkie, J.A. Hay, J.D. MacDougall, D.S. Ward, and W.M. Wilson.  Voluntary hypohydration in cystic fibrosis.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 19:S56, 1987.

18. Blimkie, C., B. Ebbesen, D. MacDougall, O. Bar‑Or, and D. Sale.  Knee extensor strength of lean and obese boys.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 19:S24, 1987.

19. Ward, D.S. and O. Bar‑Or.  Usefulness of RPE scale for exercise prescription with obese youth.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 19:S15, 1987.

20. Blimkie, C.J.R., and O. Bar-Or.  Voluntary and evoked strength characteristics of lean and obese adolescent males.  Canad. J. Sports Sci. 13:45P, 1988.

21. Wilson, B.A. and O. Bar-Or.  Refractoriness to exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and the intensity of prior exercise.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 21:S21, 1989.

22. Bar-Or, O., D.S. Ward, and P. Longmuir.  Use of the RPE scale for exercise prescription with wheelchair-bound children and adults.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:S2, 1990.

23. Blaak, E.E., O. Bar-Or, K.R. Westerterp, and W.H.M. Saris.  Effect of VLCD on daily energy expenditure and body composition in obese boys.  Int. J. Obesity l4(Suppl 2):86, l990.

24. Blaak,  E.E., K.R. Westerterp, O. Bar-Or, and W.H.M. Saris.  Effect of training on total energy expenditure and spontaneous activity in obese boys.  Int. J. Obesity l4(Suppl 2):ll8, l990.

25. Calvert, R., O. Bar-Or, F. Meyer, B. Falk, and C.J.R. Blimkie.  A modified, disposable and reliable sweat collection device for use on children and adults during exercise in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:S89, 1990.

26. Falk, B., O. Bar-Or, J.D. MacDougall, L. McGillis, R. Calvert, and F. Meyer. Thermoregulatory response of circum-pubertal boys exercising in a hot, dry environment.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:S88, 1990.

27. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or, D. MacDougall, G.H. Heigenhauser, R. Calvert, and B. Falk.  Sweat electrolytes during exercise in the heat among pre-pubescent, pubescent and young adult females.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:S88, 1990.

28. Rodriguez, J.R., M.A. Rivera, A. Rivera, O. Bar-Or, P. Mayol, and W.R. Frontera.  Body fluid balance during exercise in chronically heat acclimatized children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:S89, 1990.

29. Calvert, R.E., B. Falk, O. Bar-Or, C.J.R. Blimkie, and H. Szechtman.  Photographic analysis of sweating pattern in circumpubertal boys.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 3:l, l99l.

30. Bar-Or, O., B. Falk, R. Calvert, and J.D. MacDougall.  Sweat gland response to exercise in the heat in pre-, mid- and late-pubertal boys.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:S54, l99l.

31. Blimkie, C., R. Hanning, L. Moss, O. Bar-Or, W. Wilson, and L. Lands.  Skeletal muscle strength and power in children with cystic fibrosis.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:S32, l99l.

32. Calvert, R.E., O. Bar-Or, B. Falk, F. Meyer, and C.J.R. Blimkie.  Time-lapse photography with computerized analysis of sweating pattern:  reliability and reproducibility.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:Sl56, l99l

33. Hanning, R.M., C.J. Blimkie, O. Bar-Or, L.C. Lands, and L.A. Moss.  Functional approach to nutritional assessment in cystic fibrosis (CF).  The FASEB Journal 6(4):A1503, 1991.

34. Kodis, J., O. Bar-Or, L. McGillis, M. Browne, A.-L. Heron, and B. Wilson.  Reliability and validity of the bioimpedance analysis of percent body fat in moderately to markedly obese children.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 3:87, l99l.

35. Lands, L.C., O. Bar-Or, C.J.R. Blimkie, R. Hanning, G.J.F. Heigenhauser, N.L. Jones, L. Moss, and W. Wilson.  Respiratory and limb muscle strength and endurance in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Med.SportsExerc. 23:Sl68, l99l.

36. Lands, L.C., C. Gordon, C.E. Webber, O. Bar-Or, C. Blimkie, R. Hanning, N.L.Jones, L. Moss W.M. Wilson, G.J.F. Heigenhauser. Body composition in cystic fibrosis (CF): A comparison of anthropometry, dual photon absorptiometry (DPA), and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).  Ped. Pulm. S6: 258, 1991.

37. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or, J.D. MacDougall, and G.J.F. Heigenhauser.  Electrolyte loss in sweat and urine during exercise in the heat:  effects of gender and maturation.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:S68, l99l.

38. Mimura, K., H. Hebestreit, and O. Bar-Or.  Activity and heart rate in preschool children of low and high motor ability:  24-hour profiles.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:Sl2, l99l.

39. Rodriguez, J.R., W.R. Frontera, M.A. Rivera, A. Rivera, O. Bar-Or, E. Suarez, and P. Mayol.  Thermoregulatory response during exercise in heat acclimatized children (HA):  an outdoor study.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. Sci. 3:l, l99l.

40. Suei, K., L.A. McGillis, B. Falk, C.J.R. Blimkie, and O. Bar-Or.  Relationships among muscle endurance, power and strength in circum-pubertal boys.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 23:S32, l99l.

41. Hanning, R., L. Lands, L. Moss, C. Gordon, W. Wilson, C.J. Blimkie, O. Bar-Or, and C. Webber.  Bone mineral status and mineral biochemistry in CF.  Pediatr. Pulmonol. S8:305, 1992.

42. Falk, B. and O. Bar-Or.  Longitudinal changes in maximal aerobic and anaerobic power of circumpubertal boys.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 5: 1, 1992.

43. Lands, L.C., G.J.F. Heigenhauser, O. Bar-Or, C. Blimkie, R. Hanning, W.M. Wilson, L. Moss, and N.L. Jones.  The effect of early nutritional supplementation on respiratory function in cystic fibrosis (CF).  Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 145:A115, 1992.

44. Bar-Or, O., L. Berman, and A. Salsberg.  An abbreviated Wingate anaerobic test for women and men of advanced age. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24:S22, 1992.

45. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or, D. Passe, and A. Salsberg.  Children’s taste preference and rehydration following mild dehyration induced by exercise in the heat. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24:S63, 1992.

46. Falk, B., O. Bar-Or, J.D. MacDougall, L. McGillis. A longitudinal analysis of the sweating response of circum-pubertal boys during exercise in the heat. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24:S63, 1992.

47. Hebestreit, H., K. Mimura, and O. Bar-or. Recovery of heart rate and gas exchange after 30-s supramaximal exercise: comparing boys and men.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24:S84, 1992.

48. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or, B. Wilk, G.J.F. Heigenhaiser, and J.D. MacDougall. Effect of Na intake on performance and Na balance in children during exercise in the heat. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25:S3, 1993.

49. Frost, G., O. Bar-Or, J. Dowling, and C. White.  Habituation of children to treadmill walking or running: metabolic and kinematic analysis. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25:S9, 1993.

50. Smolander, J., B. Falk, O. Bar-Or, and G. Frost. Responses to rest and exercise in a cold environment: effect of age and maximal oxygen uptake. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25:S28,1993.

51. Calvert, R.E., and O. Bar-Or. A time-lapse photographic evaluation of the symmetry of forearm sweating pattern.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25:S28, 1993.

52. Wilk, B., R. Calvert, and O. Bar-Or.  Validation of time-lapse skin photography as a tool for assessing sweating rate. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25: S28,1993.

53. Rowland, T.W., G.S. Krahenbuhl, F.L. Cerny, O. Bar-or, and D. Cooper. Development of aeorbic exercise fitness in children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 25:S155, 1993.

54. Calvert, R.E., O. Bar-Or, L. A. McGillis, and K. Suei.  Total work during an isokinetic and Wingate endurance tests in circumpubertal males.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 5:398, 1993.

55. Frost, G., O. Bar-Or, J. Dowling, and C. White.  Changes in  amplitude of hip joint vertical movement during treadmill walking or running as an indicator of habituation.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci.  5:422, 1993.

56. Hebestreit, J., P. Zehr, C. McKintey, M. Riddell, and O. Bar-Or.  Correcting children’s heart rate for the influence of climatic heat stress:  equation for an improved estimation of energy expenditure.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci.  5:428, 1993.

57. Longmuir, P.E., and O. Bar-Or.  Physical activity of physically disabled youth:  effects of age and gender.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci.  5:439, 1993.

58. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or, G. J. F. Heigenhauser, D. MacDougall, and B. Wilk.  Effect of electrolyte-carbohydrate replacement on physiological and biochemical responses of children during exercise in the heat.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci.  5:445, 1993.

59. van Mil, E., N. Schoeber, R. Calvert, and O. Bar-Or.  Prediction of optimal breaking force for the Wingate test during arm cranking in children and adolescents with neuromuscular disabilities.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci.  5:481, 1993.

60. Heath, G.W., R.M. Glaser, G.M. Davis, O. Bar-Or, K. Pitetti, and G.W. White.  Physical activity promotion in persons with disabilities: Clinical applications – Public health implications.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26:S1, 1994.

61. Araujo, C.G.S., B. Wilk, F. Meyer, and O. Bar-Or.  Exercise-induced vagal inhibition is affected by sudden facial cooling but not by inspiration of cold air.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26:S3, 1994.

62. Longmuir, P.E. and O. Bar-Or.  Analysis of the physical activity levels of physically disabled children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26:S48, 1994.

63. Tomassoni, T.L., P. Nixon, B. Campaigne, O. Bar-Or, and L. Epstein.  Role of exercise in the diagnosis and management of chronic disease in children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26:S86, 1994.

64. Frost, G., J. Dowling, O. Bar-Or, and K. Dyson.  Relationship between metabolic cost and mechanical power output in children during treadmill running.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26: S170, 1994.

65. Wilk, B., F. Meyer and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of electrolytes and carbohydrate drink content on voluntary drinking and fluid balance in children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26: S205, 1994.

66. Hebestreit, H., F. Meyer, Htay-Htay, G.J.F. Heigenhauser and O. Bar-Or.  Plasma electrolyte and hydrogen ion levels following a 30-s high intensity task:  boys vs men.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26: S210, 1994.

67. Meyer, F., O. Bar-Or and B. Wilk.  Effect of drink composition on thirst and perceptual responses of children exercising in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 26: S214, 1994.

68. Frost, G., J. Dowling, O. Bar-Or, and K. Dyson.  Comparison of Cocontraction in Three Groups of Children During Treadmill Running.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 19: 16P, l994.

69. McNiven Temple, M.Y., O. Bar-Or, and M.C. Riddell.  Consistency in plasma glucose response to exercise in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 16P, 1994.

70. Hoofwijk, M., V. Unnithan, and O. Bar-Or.  Maximal treadmill walking test for children with cerebral palsy.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 19: 16P, 1994.

71. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of drink flavor and composition on voluntary drinking and hydration status in children.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 19: 51P, 1994.

72. Frost, G., O. Bar-Or, J. Dowling, and K. Dyson.  Metabolic energy cost of submaximal walking and running in three age groups of children.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 7: 104-105, 1995.

73. Small, E., E. Van Mil, O. Bar-Or, and S. Saigal.  Muscle performance and habitual physical activity of 11- to 16-year-old females born at extremely low birthweight (500-1,000 grams).  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 7: 112, 1995.

74. Wilk, B., O. Bar-Or, and F. Meyer.  Body temperatures, heart rate, and perceptual responses to ad libitum consumption of beverages with various carbohydrate and electrolyte content in children resting and exercising in a warm environment.  Pediatr. Exerc. Sci. 7: 219, 1995.

75. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  The relations among thirst perception, hydration status and voluntary drink intake in children during prolonged exposure to the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27: S18, 1995.

76. Unnithan, V.B., O. Bar-Or, and M. Hoofwijk.  Metabolic cost of submaximal walking in children with spastic cerebral palsy.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27: S56, 1995.

77. Lee, A., R. Hanning, C. Blimkie, S. Davison, W. Wilson, R. Hennessey, L. Moss, and O. Bar-Or.  Muscle function as a reflection of nutritional status in adults with cystic fibrosis.  Pediatr. Pulmonol.  267, l995.

78. Lee, A., R. Hanning, C. Blimkie, O. Bar-Or, L. Moss, S. Davison, R. Hennessey, and W. Wilson.  Energy balance in women with cystic fibrosis.  Pediatr. Pulmonol.   267, l995.

79. Riddell, M.C., O. Bar-Or, G.J.F. Heigenhauser, and B.V. Ayub.  Carbohydrate ingestion to prevent hypoglycemia during exercise in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 20: 44P, 1995.

80. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Acclimation and body fluid balance in children drinking carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage ad libitum during intermittent exercise in the heat.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol.  20: 58P, 1995

81. Keller, H., S. Kriemler, B. Ayub, R. Calvert, and O. Bar-Or.  Muscle power and cycling speed in 5-7 year old children born at very low birthweight (500-1500 grams).  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28: S4, 1996.

82. Kriemler, S., S. Mikami, B. Ayub, R. Calvert, and O. Bar-Or.  The impact of structured exercise on spontaneous physical activity, measured by tritrac, in obese adolescent boys.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28: S12, 1996.

83. Riddell, M.C., G.J.F. Heigenhauser, and O. Bar-Or.  Decrease in blood glucose in adolescents with IDDM as a function of initial blood glucose with and without CHO ingestion. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28: S40, 1996.

84. Frost, G., O. Bar-Or, J. Dowling, and K. Dyson.  Explaining differences in the metabolic cost of locomotion among three age groups of children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28: S41, 1996.

85. Hebestreit, H., and O. Bar-Or.  Heart rate kinetics during 30-s high-intensity exercise in boys and men.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28: S147, 1996.

86. Schurer, W., R. Hanning, C.J. Blimkie, R. Calvert, L. Moss,  B.V. Ayub, and O. Bar-Or.   A comparison of muscle power and nutritional status between boys and girls with cystic fibrosis.  Pediatr. Pulmonol. 13(S):321, 1996.

87. Smolander, J., J. Oksa, M. Tervo, K. Savonen, H. Pekkarinen, and O. Bar-Or.  Children’s thermal responses to cross-country skiing.  Acta Physiol. Scand. 159: 1A-34A, 1997.

88. Keller, H. B.V. Ayub, S. Saigal, and O. Bar-Or.  Neuromotor ability in 5- to 7-year old children born at very low or extremely low birthweight.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 29: S16, 1997.

89. Riddell, M.C., G.J.F. Heigenhauser, and O. Bar-Or.  Carbohydrate oxidation during exercise in adolescents with and without IDDM.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc.  29:S19, 1997.

90. Bar-Or, O., H. Hebestreit, M. Cabrera, O. Inbar, and S. Kriemler.  Anaerobic performance in the healthy and chronically sick child.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 29:S37, 1997.

91. Bar-Or, O., J. Foreyt, C. Bouchard, W. Dietz, and  S. Schwenger.  Physical activity, genetic and nutritional considerations in childhood weight management:  an ACSM Roundtable.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 29: S74, 1997.

92. Kriemler, S., H. Hebestreit, and O. Bar-Or.  Energy expenditure overestimation by HR monitoring during summer time in obese boys.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc.  29:S261, 1997.

93. Wilk, B., S. Kriemler, W. Schurer, and O. Bar-Or.  Voluntary drinking and fluid balance in children and adolescents with CF who exercise in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc.  29: S209, 1997.

94. Rivera-Brown, A., R. Gutierrez, J.C. Gutierrez, C. Padro, W. Frontera, and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of drink composition on voluntary drinking and fluid balance in active boys exercising in hot outdoors climate.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 29:S170, 1997.

95. Gutierrez, R. A. Rivera-Brown, J.C. Gutierrez, C. Padro, W. Frontera, and O. Bar-Or. Effect of drink composition on thermoregulation and perceptual responses in active boys exercising in hot outdoors climate.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. S170, 1997.

96. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Voluntary drinking pattern and body fluid balance in prepubertal girls exercising in the heat. Can. J. Appl. Physiol.  22: 64P, 1997.

97. Robertson, R., G. Borg,  O. Bar-Or, W. Morgan, and K. Pandolf.  Perceived exertion: applications in clinical behavioral and environmental settings.  Med.Sci. Sports and Exerc. 30: S134, 1998.

98. Hebestreit, H., S. Kriemler, R. Hughson, and O. Bar-Or.  On-Transients of oxygen   uptake in boys and men.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 30: S188, 1998.

99. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Prevention of voluntary dehydration in men exercising in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 30: S332, 1998.

100. Brien, E.,  B. Wilk, and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of drink palatability and carbohydrate/NaCl content on voluntary drinking pattern in boys exercising in the heat.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 23(5): 469, 1998.

101. Riddell, M.C., and O. Bar-Or.  Glucose intake lowers RPE during exercise in healthy but not IDDM adolescents.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11: 86-87, 1999.

102. Knopfli, B., C.G.S. Araujo, and O. Bar-Or.  A double blind crossover study on the influence of vagal activity in preventing exercise-induced asthma in cold with ipratropium bromide in children with asthma.   Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11: 85, 1999.

103. Ayub, B.V., and O. Bar-Or.  Relative contribution of body mass and adiposity in energy cost of walking in children.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11: 79-80, 1999.

104. Hay, J.A., M. Riddell, and R.J. McKinlay.  Relationship between habitual physical activity and HbA1C in children with diabetes.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11: 81, 1999.

105. Rivera-Brown, A.M., M. Torres, F. Ramirez-Marrero, and O. Bar-Or.  Drink   composition, voluntary drinking and fluid balance in exercising trained heat-      acclimatized girls.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 31: S92, 1999.

106. Riddell, M.C., G.J.F. Heigenhauser, and O. Bar-Or.  Glucose intake spares endogenous carbohydrate and contributes to the energy demand of exercise in boys. Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 31: S194, 1999.

107. Pender, N., O. Bar-Or, and B. Wilk.  Effect of pre-exercise cognitions on responses to acute exercise among pre- to advanced pubertal females.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 31: S298, 1999.

108. Wilk, B., E. Brien, and O. Bar-Or.  Carbohydrate drink content and voluntary drinking pattern in boys exercising in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 31: S299, 1999.

109. Maltais, D., and O. Bar-Or.  The effect of hinged ankle foot orthoses on the oxygen cost of walking in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.  Ped. Exerc. Sci.  11: 182, 1999.

110. Brien, E., B. Wilk, and O. Bar-Or.   Effect of carbohydrate versus NaCl on voluntary drinking pattern and fluid balance in boys exercising in the heat.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11: 186, 1999.

111. Schurer, G.W., O. Bar-Or, R.E. Calvert, R.M. Hanning,  and C.J.R. Blimkie.  Changes with age in anaerobic performance of children with cystic fibrosis, heterozygotes, and homozygotes for DF508.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11:279, 1999.

1112. Ayub, B.V., and O. Bar-Or.  Relative contribution of body mass and adiposity in energy cost of walking in children.  Ped. Exerc. Sci. 11:79-80, 1999.

113. Wilk, B., N. Pender, S. Mitchell and O. Bar-Or.  Physical maturation and sweating pattern in girls exercising in the heat.  Can. J. Exer. Physiol. 24: 488, 1999.

114. Riddell, M.C., O. Bar-Or, B. Wilk, and G.J.F. Heigenhauser.  Glucose vs glucose/fructose oxidation during exercise in boys.  Can. J. Exer. Physiol. 24: 475, 1999.

115. Gillis, L.J., O. Bar-Or and R. Calvert.  Validating a mathematical index for the measurement of changes in body composition of obese children and adolescents. Can. J. Exer. Physiol. 24: 446, 1999.

116. Maltais, D, O. Bar-Or.and I. Kondo.   Arm cranking economy in spastic cerebral palsy:  Effects of different speed and force combinations yielding the same mechanical power.  Can. J. Exer. Physiol. 24: 465, 1999.

117. Knopfli, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Einfluss der parasympathischen Aktivitat in der Pravention von Kalte- und anstrengunginduziertem Asthma mit Ipratropium Bromid bei gesunden Athleten. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie 47: 154, 1998.

118. Keller, H., H. Hebestreit, and O. Bar-Or.  Premature children – born too early to win?  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32: S68, 2000.

119. Brien, E.K., B. Wilk, M. Iwata, and O. Bar-Or.  Forearm blood flow in pre/early, mid and late pubertal girls exercising in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32: S157, 2000.

120. Knopfli, B., H. Keller, and O. Bar-Or.  Risk for exercise induced bronchoconstriction and emergency situations in asthmatic children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32: S275, 2000.

121. Bar-Or, O.  Fluid and electrolyte replenishment during exercise in cystic fibrosis.  Klin Pädiatr 212: S33, 2000.

122. Fehlings, D., J. Vajsar, O. Bar-Or, and B. Wilk.  Anaerobic muscle performance of children with Guillain-Barré syndrome after long-term recovery.   Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 42: 23, 2000.

123. Henry, R.C., B.W. Timmons, and O. Bar-Or.  The effects of cold ambient temperature on muscle performance and recovery in children and adults.  Can. J. Appl. Phyiol. 25: 377, 2000.

124. Riddell, M.C., O. Bar-Or, M. Hollidge-Horvat, H.P. Schwarcz, and G.J.F. Heigenhauser.  Glucose ingestion and substrate utilization during exercise in boys with IDDM.  J. Appl. Physiol. 88: 1239-1246, 2000.

125. Wilk, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Comparing voluntary drinking and body hydration in boys and men during exercise in the heat.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 26: 522-523, 2001.

126. Timmons, B.W., C.A. Horswill, and O. Bar-Or.  Changes in cellular immunity following cycling exercise with and without carbohydrate ingestion in 9- and 10-year-old boys.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 26: 518, 2001.

127. Bar-Or, O.  Relevance of physical activity to the child with a musculo-skeletal disease.  Ann. Rheum. Dis. 60: ii53, 2001.

128. Wilk,B., L.F. Aragon-Vargas, and O. Bar-Or.  Involuntary dehydration in children and adolescents following a triathlon race in a hot climate.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 33: S137, 2001.

129. Maltais, D.B., V.B. Unnithan, B. Wilk, and O. Bar-Or.  Forearm sweating pattern in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy:  effect of upper limb dominance.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34: S47, 2002.

130. Wilk,B., H. Yuxiu, and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of body hypohydration on aerobic performance of boys who exercise in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34: S48, 2002.

131. Timmons, B.W., and O. Bar-Or.  Carbohydrate intake attenuates some immune responses to cycling exercise in boys but not men.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34: S92, 2002.

132. Riddell, M.C., B.W. Timmons, and O. Bar-Or.  Substrate utilization with and without 13C-enriched carbohydrate intake in boys and men.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34: S203, 2002.

133. Cunliffe,M., B. Wilk, O. Bar-Or, M. Plyley, and P. Klentrou.  Menstruation status and thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the cold in young active females.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 27: S12, 2002.

134. Matsuzaka, A., Y. Takeda, B. Wilk, and O. Bar-Or.  Validity of the multistage 20-metre shuttle run test for Japanese children and adults.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 27: S35, 2002.

135. Wilk, B., H. Yuxiu, and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of the initial level of hypohydration on voluntary drinking in boys who exercise in the heat.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 27: S52, 2002.

136. Klentrou, P., M. Cunliffe, J. Slack, O. Bar-Or, and M. Plyley.  Menstrual status effect on thermoregulation during exercise in the cold in female adolescents.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 35: S24, 2003.

137. Matsuzaka, A., K. Matsuzaka, B. Wilk, and O. Bar-Or.  Relationship between physical activity and aerobic fitness in children.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 35: S64, 2003.

138. Volpe Ayub, B., and O. Bar-Or.  Is energy cost of walking related to fat distribution in adolescent boys?  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 35: S164, 2003.

139. Wilk, B., P. Duche, B.W. Timmons, and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of drink composition on voluntary rehydration in boys following exercise in the heat.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 35: S311, 2003.

140. Timmons, B.W., O. Bar-Or and M. C. Riddell.  Oxidation rate of exogenous carbohydrate during exercise is higher in boys than in men.  J. Appl. Physiol. 94: 278-284, 2003.

141. Timmons, B.W., M.A. Tarnopolsky, D.P. Snider, and O. Bar-Or.  Effects of carbohydrate intake and exercise on circulating natural killer cell phenotypes in 12-year-old girls.  Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 29: S88-89, 2004

142. Bar-Or, O.  Detrimental effects of exercise in the child with a chronic disease.  Pediatric Respiratory Reviews 5: Supplement A, 2004.

143. Timmons, B.W., and O. Bar-Or.  Leukocyte kinetics during and following cycling with and without-carbohydrate intake in 12 yr-old boys.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 36: S150, 2004.

144. Zeitoun, M., B. Wilk, A. Matsuzaka, B. Knopfli, B. Wilson, and O. Bar-Or.  Facial cooling causes greater exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in children with asthma.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 36: S66, 2004.

145. Maltais, D., M. R. Pierrynowski, V. Galea, H. deBruin, N. Al-Mutawaly, and O. Bar-Or.  Minute by minute differences in co-activation during treadmill walking in cerebral palsy.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 36: S273, 2004.

146. Maltais, D.B., O. Bar-Or.  Comparison of habitual physical activity measured by heart rate and by accelerometry in cerebral palsy.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37: S56, 2005.

147. Riddell, M.C., B.W. Timmons, and O. Bar-Or.  Exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during exercise in boys: Influence of age and puberty.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37: S310, 2005.

148. Timmons, B.W. and O. Bar-Or.  Effect of exercise and carbohydrate intake on cytokine levels in girls at various maturational stages.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37: S375, 2005.

149. Wilk, B., J-H Lee, and O. Bar-Or.  Drink composition, voluntary drinking and aerobic performance in heat-acclimated adolescent male athletes.  Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37: S464, 2005.